writer's block, writing, tips, writingtips, writing advice

How To Never Experience Writer’s Block Again

Are you suffering from writer block again? Suffer no more. All you need is a simple website. Free and without registration! 🙂

If you read this here, I’m sure you know the feeling:

You know, you should write something. Because your deadline is quickly approaching. Because your boss has been waiting for his report for days. Because someone expects a heartbreaking speech from you. Or because you just love writing, and haven’t put anything on paper – or on the screen – far too long.

So you open up your journal or your laptop. You decide to face the enemy. It’s the ultimate evil: The blank page.

You write a sentence. One more. That makes no sense at all. You delete it. Try again. This time you write a paragraph. And then? Nothing more. After an hour, you give up.Maybe it will work out better tomorrow.

You’ve been looking for good advice for ages now. But all you here is the same old advice over and over again: Just start. Just write. Don’t even think about, what you’re writing and sooner or later the words will flow.

Bullshit. Nothing flows. Except, perhaps, the tears.

But what if you could actually just write. If you have to write. What if you didn’t have to think about what you write anymore, because you wouldn’t get a chance to? Because you don’t have time.

What if you couldn’t think for a minute and not look back for a second? Could you write? Could you at least write for 5 minutes, without interruption?

Don’t worry. Help is in sight!

I am writing this text, because I cannot believe how simple the solution is. And when I finally discovered it, I just wished I’d heard about it earlier.

The Most Dangerous Writing App, aka. The Most Helpful Tool against Writer’s Block

The Most Dangerous Writing App is the devil on your shoulder, who kicks your ass as soon as you stop typing.

The principle is quite simple: You choose a period of time or a number of words. And then, the game is on.

You start typing. And you type until you reach your goal (that is, your time or word limit). If you take a break, everything will be deleted. Irrevocably. It’s that easy, and that hard.

For the particularly tough ones, there is even a so-called hardcore mode. You only see the one letter you’re typing right now. You can’t just look back at how you started the sentence. You’ll see that early enough, as soon as you reach your goal. 

That’s it. You don’t need more than that. 

Oh, and that happens if you want to take a short break for:

Ok. It’s not all lost. But so far, I have refrained from signing up. And if you didn’t just randomly come up with an idea for the next world bestseller, that you can’t remember in the moment you finished your text, I would advise you to do the same.

Start immediately. Visit themostdangerousouswritingapp.com. You don’t have to log in anywhere and it’s completely free.

Write for 5 minutes. Now. Later, you can gradually set your goals higher. But beware, it’s quite addictive.


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